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Publicaciones científicas más relevantes
• Moreno J.L., Miranda-Azpiazu P., Garcia-Bea A., Younkin J., Cui M., Kozlenkov A. et al. Allosteric signaling through an mGlu2 and 5-HT2A heteromeric receptor complex and its potential contribution to schizophrenia. Science Signaling. 2016;9(410).
• Rivero G., Martin-Guerrero I., de Prado E., Gabilondo A.M., Callado L.F., Garcia-Sevilla J.A. et al. Alpha2C-adrenoceptor Del322-325 polymorphism and risk of psychiatric disorders: significant association with opiate abuse and dependence. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. 2016;1-8.
• Diez-Alarcia R., Ibarra-Lecue I., Lopez-Cardona A.P., Meana J., Gutierrez-Adan A., Callado L.F. et al. Biased agonism of three different cannabinoid receptor agonists in mouse brain cortex. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2016;7(NOV).
• García-Bueno B, Gassó P, MacDowell KS, Callado LF, Mas S, Bernardo M et al. Evidence of activation of the Toll-like receptor-4 proinflammatory pathway in patients with schizophrenia.Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN. 2016;41(3):150195.
• Garcia-Portilla M.P., Garcia-Alvarez L., Sarramea F., Galvan G., Diaz-Mesa E., Bobes-Bascaran T. et al. It is feasible and effective to help patients with severe mental disorders to quit smoking: An ecological pragmatic clinical trial with transdermal nicotine patches and varenicline. Schizophrenia Research. 2016.
A destacar
DM-DX: Desarrollo y validación de un test de diagnóstico molecular in vitro de la Depresión Mayor. Proyecto entre Progenika Biopharma S.A. y Asoc. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria BioCruces. Programa Retos Colaboración. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto RTC-2015-3911-1.
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