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Most relevant scientific articles
• Bioque M., Cabrera B., Garcia-Bueno B., Mac-Dowell K.S., Torrent C., Saiz P.A. et al. Dysregulated peripheral endocannabinoid system signaling is associated with cognitive deficits in first-episode psychosis. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2016; 75:14-21.
• Cabrera B., Bioque M., Penades R., Gonzalez-Pinto A., Parellada M., Bobes J. et al. Cognition and psychopathology in first-episode psychosis: are they related to inflammation? Psychological Medicine. 2016;1-12.
• Garriga M, Pacchiarotti I, Kasper S, Zeller SL, Allen MH, Vázquez G et al. Assessment and management of agitation in psychiatry: Expert consensus.The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. 2016;17(2):86-128.
• De la Serna E., Vila M., Sanchez-Gistau V., Moreno D., Romero S., Sugranyes G. et al. Neuropsychological characteristics of child and adolescent offspring of patients with bipolar disorder. Progress in Neuro- Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2016; 65:54-59.
• Ortiz AE, Morer A, Moreno E, Plana MT, Cordovilla C, Lázaro L. Clinical significance of psychiatric comorbidity in children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder: subtyping a complex disorder. European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. 2016;266(3):199-208.
Our objectives are: to expand theoretical-practical knowledge related to schizophrenia; Longitudinal follow-
up of patients with chronic schizophrenia; First psychotic episodes; Pharmacological management of the first psychotic episode, development and validation of psychopathological scales. G04 group includes the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry research group whose objective is the study of the main psychiatric disorders children and adolescents.
International projects: •European Network of National schizophrenia Networks studying Gene-environment Interactions (EU-GEI) • Optimization of Treatment and Management of Schizophrenia in Europe- OPTiMiSE
• European Long-acting Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia Trial- EULAST Foundation European Group for Research in Schizophrenia(EGRIS) • Multidisciplinary Approaches to Translational Research In Conduct Syndromes, MATRICS. : European Comission. CE_FP7_HEALTH_IN1_13 • Epigenetic Regulation of BDNF Expression According to Response to Cognitive Remediation in Schizophrenia” NARSAD NIH • European Multicentre Tics in Children Study. FP7_ 278367
Principal National Projects(ISCIII): • Determinantes clínicos y neurobiológicos de segundos episodios
de esquizofrenia. Estudio longitudinal de primeros episodios psicóticos. FIS (ISCIII) PI11/00325 • Estudio de aplicabilidad clínica de un modelo predictivo de recaídas en primeros episodios de esquizofrenia. FIS ISCIII PI14/00612 • Traducción y validación al español del inventario “The Symptom Onset in Schizophrenia (SOS) inventory” BICIBERSAM • Estudio multicéntrico longitudinal sobre el papel de marcadores neurobiológicos de estrés en niños y adolescentes con síndrome de riesgo de psicosis y la transición a psicosis FIS_ISCIII PI15/00444 • Influencia de la genética y la epigenética en la eficacia del tratamiento del trastorno Obsesivo- Compulsivo con terapia cognitivo-conductual o tratamiento farmacológico. FIS_ISCIII. PI16/01086
Principal European- National Projects (ISCIII): Predictor multigenético para la prevención de los efectos secundarios inducidos por antipsicóticos – APSIDE. MINECO -FEDER.
PATENTS: Method for predicting the onset of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) induced by an antipsichotic- based treatment. • Método in Vitro y KIT para el Pronóstico o Predicción de la Respuesta al Tratamiento con Agentes Antipsicóticos por parte de Pacientes que han Sufrido un Primer Episodio Psicótico.
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CLINICAL GUIDES: Assessment and management of agitation in psychiatry: Expert consensus. Garriga M et. All. • Spanish consensus on the risks and detection of antipsychotic drug-related hyperprolactinaemia. Montejo ÁL, et. all.

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