Page 48 - CIBERSAM2016-ENG
P. 48
leaD reSearcHer
Casas Brugué, Miguel
Fundación Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron - Institut de Recerca (VHIR) Hospital Vall d’Hebron Passeig Vall d’Hebron, 119-129 08035 Barcelona.
[email protected]
group website
Staff members: Soler Artigas, Maria
Associated members: Bosch Munsó, Rosa María | Bruguera Cortada, Eugeni | Calvo Piñero, Natalia | Collazos Sánchez, Francisco | Corominas Roso, Margarita | Daigre Blanco, Constanza | Ferrer Vinardell, Marc | Gómez Barros, Núria | Grau López, Lara | Ramos Quiroga, José Antonio | Ribases Haro, Marta | Richarte Fernández, Vanesa | Roncero Alonso, Carlos | Sánchez Mora, Cristina | Valero Ventura, Sergi | Vidal Estrada, Raquel
Main lines of research
• Neurodevelopmental Disorders, mainly Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), their epidemiology and clinical features along lifespan, including the analysis of functional and structural
brain abnormalities through neuroimaging, the identification of psychopathological comorbidity and
the evaluation of divers therapeutic approaches. We are also interested in the identification of how these different neurodevelopmental disorders and psychopathological factors influences scholar failure and, later on, in how the influence of adult everyday life.
• Impulsive and Disruptive behaviors. This research line concerns the study of diagnostics procedures for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and its comorbidity with ADHD or Addictive behaviors. The definition of clinical subtypes, the development of new treatments and the evaluation of psychopathologic symptoms related to high-risk driving and traffic accidents, are the main subjects for our studies.
• Addictive behaviors and Dual Disorders. This line of research is focused on different clinical issues and neuroimaging studies to identify risk indicators and treatment modalities for Substance Use Disorders.
• Transcultural Psychiatry, Transcultural Psychiatry, mainly focused on the prevalence of psychopathology in the immigrant population, as well as the impact of cultural and ethnic variables on diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and substance related disorders.
Psychosomatic, Anxiety
and Impulse Control Disorders

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