Page 80 - CIBERSAM2016-ENG
P. 80
leaD reSearcHer
Sanjuán Arias, Julio
Universidad de Valencia
Facultad de Medicina Avda. V. Blasco Ibáñez, 15 46010 Valencia
(+34) 96 398 33 79 [email protected] group website
Staff members: García Martí, Gracián | Llacer Iborra, Blanca | Sebastiá Ortega, Noelia
Associated members: Aguilar García Iturrospe, Eduardo Jesús | Bobes Bascarán, María Teresa | Carot Sierra, José Miguel | De la Iglesia Vaya, María | Gadea Domenech, Marien | González Piqueras, José Carlos | Herrero Sebastián, Neus | Ivorra Martínez, José Luis | Leal Cercos, Carmen | Moltó Ruíz, Ma Dolores | Nacher Rosello, Juan Salvador | Olucha Bordonau, Francisco | Rivero Martín, Olga | Tolosa Montero, Amparo Contributors: Brotons Girona, Olga | Escartí Fabra, María José | Jover Martínez, Manuel | Lorente Rovira, Esther
Main lines of research
• Identification of risk polymorphisms in psychosis and affective disorders.
• Epigenetic Studies (functional expression) of candidate genes in psychosis in mental illness.
• Study of animal models in severe mental illness.
• Study of monogenic mutations in neurodegenerative diseases.
• Identification of genetic factors and environmental risk in affective and psychotic disorders.
• Identification of abnormal patterns in neuroimaging (morphometry, functional, spectroscopy) in
psychotic patients .
• Database Design and coordination of clinical, genetic and neuroimaging for conducting multicenter
projects data.
• Development of interactive systems for improving therapeutic adherence.
• Study of genetic and environmental factors in the development of language in children.
• Study the effectiveness of techniques of psycho- social intervention in severe mental disorders.
Therapeutic Innovation Schizophrenia