Page 35 - CIBERSAM2016-ENG
P. 35
Brain Samples
Platform Committee: Javier Meana (coordinator), Josep Maria Haro and Ángel Pazos
Over the year 2016, the Platform defined its status as an external platform. At the current time the
organisations linked with the CIBERSAM with repositories for brain samples are:
• Banco de Tejidos Neurológicos | Fundación Sant Joan de Dèu, Barcelona
• Biobanco Valdecilla | Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria IDIVAL, Santander
• Colección de muestras cerebrales | Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, Leioa, Bizkaia Its standard activities for obtaining, storing and assigning samples have also resumed.
• Samples from several regions of the brain have been incorporated (prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, basal ganglia) from 42 subjects with prior psychiatric diagnosis or controls.
• The total number of different subjects whose samples were stored in late 2016 was 1072, mainly from cases of schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, opioid or alcohol use disorder as well as controls. The controls represent roughly 45% of the subjects.
• Samples were assigned to three CIBERSAM groups and a further three groups have made enquiries about the availability of samples.
• The platform assigned samples to five international groups outside the CIBERSAM.
• 7 international publications have been generated in Q1 journals with studies which used samples from the Platform.
• The platform took part in the Jornada de Plataformas CIBERSAM (June 2016) intended for preparing the Strategic Plan.
Neuroimaging Platform
Platform Committee: Manuel Desco (coordinator), Joost Janssen, N. Bargalló, Josep Maria Haro, Raymond Salvador, Julio Sanjuan and Benedicto Crespo-Facorro
At the present time over 30 national and international projects are making use of the Neuroimaging Platform. The fixed resources are located at the Medical Imaging Laboratory, Experimental Medicine and Surgery Unit of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Madrid. This neuroimaging bank manages around 18 users from different centres and cooperates with around ten groups.
• In 2016 images of 265 new subjects were added to the database of this scientific structure, extending this to a total number of 3305 subjects stored. The total number of images which the Neuroimaging Bank has available comes to 14,3698 (64% more than in 2013).
• In spite of the processing of the images stored being dissociated from this platform, the platform processed a total number of 378 studies over the year in 2016 (25% more than in 2013), belonging to longitudinal projects under way.
As well as the work done for maintenance and optimisation of the present image server (Dicomserver),
one of the main measures to be carried out in this platform this year was to develop a new tool for management and storage of neuroimages. The software infrastructure of the platform is based on the XNAT programme, which has the following features:
• Open code allowing personalisation.
• Full DICOM integration.
• Security with control of access privileges and anonymization of images.
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