Page 36 - CIBERSAM2016-ENG
P. 36
• Associated database to facilitate searching for and obtaining data.
• Modular extendibility enabling new functions to be incorporated.
The fixed hardware resources are currently located at the Medical Imaging Laboratory, Experimental Medicine and Surgery Unit of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Madrid. Along
with the change in the tool for management of the platform over this year the architecture required to move the physical resources of the platform to a cloud environment, specifically Amazon Web Services, was implemented. This change will mean greater control over the maintenance costs of the server, an increase in security in both access to the resources and in control of the premises and a minimisation of expenses for updating equipment. The simple scalability of the instances, depending on the requisites of the platform, is another of the major advantages that will be obtained with this change of resources to the cloud.
In 2016 work was done on developing better monitoring of the resources in the new platform. This is going to enable using new indicators to more efficiently reflect the use that can be made of this platform at CIBERSAM. The new indicators will be:
• Number of sequences (total number of images stored).
• Number of applications for use.
• Number of groups (CIBERSAM or others) providing images.
• Number of groups making use of the images stored.
This change in indicators is another of the major accomplishments that were attained in 2016 and will start to be used as soon as the new tool is implemented.
The migration from the old platform to the new one is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2017.

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