Page 55 - CIBERSAM2016-ENG
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Most relevant scientific articles
• Navas-Sanchez F.J., Carmona S., Aleman-Gomez Y., Sanchez-Gonzalez J., Guzman-de-Villoria J., Franco C. et al. Cortical morphometry in frontoparietal and default mode networks in math-gifted adolescents. Human Brain Mapping. 2016;37(5):1893-1902.
• Collantes M., Serrano-Mendioroz I., Benito M., Molinet-Dronda F., Delgado M., Vinaixa M. et al. Glucose metabolism during fasting is altered in experimental porphobilinogen deaminase deficiency. Human Molecular Genetics. 2016;25(7):1318-1327.
• Bikovsky L., Hadar R., Soto-Montenegro M.L., Klein J., Weiner I., Desco M. et al. Deep brain stimulation improves behavior and modulates neural circuits in a rodent model of schizophrenia. Experimental Neurology. 2016; 283:142-150.
• Nehrhoff I., Bocancea D., Vaquero J., Vaquero J.J., Ripoll J., Desco M. et al. 3D imaging in CUBIC- cleared mouse heart tissue: Going deeper. Biomedical Optics Express. 2016;7(9):3716-3720.
• Casquero-Veiga M., Hadar R., Pascau J., Winter C., Desco M., Soto-Montenegro M.L. Response to deep brain stimulation in three brain targets with implications in mental disorders: A PET study in rats. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(12).
In 2016, the G07 group works in 23 research projects. Also, the group coordinates the “Plataforma
de Neuroimagen” of “CIBER de Salud Mental, a neuroimaging platform that stores more tan 14000 neuroimages, manages 18 usuage requests, and collaborates with ten research groups. During 2016, the “Plataforma de Neuroimagen” has processed aproximately 500 images.
This year the group has obtained the following projects associated to the “CIBER de Salud Mental”:
1) “Nuevos escenarios de tomografía por rayos X (NEXT)” (DPI2016-79075-R), funded by “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad”, and whose IP is Mónica Abella (2016-2019); 2) “Ejercicio físico y N-acetil cisteína como terapias preventivas en la aparición de esquizofrenia durante la adolescencia: estudios preclínicos de imagen molecular y de comportamiento”, funded by “Fundación Alicia Koplowitz”, and whose IP is Marisa Soto (2016-2018); 3) “Estimulación cerebral profunda (DBS) en el tratamiento de la obesidad: estudio experimental en dos modelos animales”, funded by “Fundación Mapfre”, and whose IP is Marisa Soto (2016-2017); y, 4) “Sistema de simulación clínica híbrida (Hybrids)” (06-00001315-15), funded by “Fundación para la Innovación y la Prospectiva en Salud en España (FIPSE)”, and whose IP is Manuel Desco (2016).
In addition, throughout 2016 the group has patented, with the “Carlos III University of Madrid”, the “ Celda Centelleadora” (Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, application no.: P201631258, application date: 09/28/2016). The researchers who signed the patent are: Georgios Konstantinou, Juan José Vaquero, Rigoberto Chil and Manuel Desco.
Finally, it should be noted that the group maintains collaboration with the following entities: “Universidad Carlos III de Madrid” (UC3M), “Philips”, “Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer” (IDIBAPS), “Unitat de Recerca en Neurociència Cognitive Center “(URNC),” Center d’Imatge Molecular “(CRC CIM), “Sociedad Española de Electromedicina y Calidad” (SEDECAL).
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