Page 64 - CIBERSAM2016-ENG
P. 64
leaD reSearcHer
Mckenna, Peter.J
Fundación para la Investigacion y Docencia Maria Angustias Gimenez (FIDMAG) Hospital Hermanas Hospitalarias Benito Menni
C/ Dr. Pujadas, 38
08830 San Boi de Llobregat
(+34) 93 652 99 99 (Ext 1486) [email protected] group website
Staff members: Alonso Lana, Silvia | Canales Rodríguez, Erick Jorge | Guardiola Ripoll, María | Moreno Alcazar, Ana | Salgado Pineda, Pilar
Associated members: Gomar Soñes, Jesús Joaquín | Martín Subero, Marta | Monte Rubio, Gemma Cristina | Pomarol Clotet, Edith | Radua Castaño, Joaquín | Romaguera Piñol, Anna | Salvador Civil, Raymond | Sarro Maluquer, Salvador | Valiente Gómez, Alicia | Vicens Soler, Víctor
Contributors: Ortiz Gil, Jordi
Main lines of research
The main research areas involve: a) the development and clinical application of multimodal neuroimaging techniques in major psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (also combined with clinical and neuropsychological data) in order to study their brain structural and functional correlates, and b) carrying out of clinical trials of novel treatment strategies.
• Neuroimaging in major psychiatric illnesses:
- Multimodal imaging: Development and use of new methods of image analysis in different pathologies. Design of new studies involving the development and implementation of new cognitive paradigms for use with fMRI.
- The research team mainly works with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and first episode psychosis. We currently have several ongoing projects involving novel fMRI paradigms for use in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, the usefulness of machine learning for establishing diagnosis and predicting outcome in these disorders.
• Development of new MRI analysis methods of analysis. Specifically, we work on the creation of tools applicable to white matter imaging (DTI and tractography), functional connectivity in the resting state and analysis of structural MRI images. In addition, our unit has developed state-of-the-art meta-analytic methods for brain imaging data.
• Genetic studies of psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia, as well as the studies of genotype- phenotype relationships (clinical and neuroimaging) in these disorders.
Schizophrenia Bipolar disorder

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